Campaigns and Priorities

Fighting for Chichester
As someone who lives locally, is raising a family here, is a District Councillor and spends time speaking to people on the doorstep – I share your values and your concerns for our country and our area. My priorities are your priorities:

Fighting to protect our precious local environment
Safeguarding our local rivers, harbour and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
I share your anger and disgust over sewage discharges, river, and harbour pollution. I just can’t forgive this Conservative Government for prioritising private company profit over protecting our environment. It breaks my heart that the Conservatives (including Gillian Keegan) voted to give the water companies a green light to dump sewage in our harbour and rivers.
Government just isn’t listening and doesn’t seem to care about the damage that is being done. A government minister recently described this appalling situation as “just a bit of poo”.
If I’m the next MP for Chichester, I vow to be our greenest-ever MP. I’ll stand up for our area and always protect our environment.

Fighting Wrong Development
Saying NO to speculative proposals, inadequate infrastructure, and unaffordable houses for local people
I am appalled to see flood-plain arable farmland along our beautiful coastline being covered in “luxury” houses. In January, the Government promised that new powers would “soon” be granted to local councils to enable them to fight inappropriate development schemes - but despite many “announcements”, these powers have failed to materialise.
The country (and Chichester) needs more houses for our young people, key workers, families, and older people - BUT the houses that make developers their profits aren’t what local people need, can afford, or qualify as badly needed social housing. That’s why I’m advocating complete overhaul of the country’s Housing policy.

City-Centre regeneration
Pushing to restore Chichester as a vibrant place to live, work and play.
I think there is huge opportunity for Chichester to respond to evidently changing lifestyles, the way we shop (and what for), the way we work and how we spend our leisure time.
If I’m the next MP for Chichester, I will be pushing for my vision of a vibrant city that is a destination choice for tourists, new start-ups and companies moving to West Sussex, a preferred living and working location for young people and families - and a renowned centre for independent retailers who can capitalise on Chichester’s unique appeal to visitors.
Chichester has so many advantages to exploit! My mantra on City regeneration: If it’s good for Chichester- then it’s good for me!

Standing up for our NHS
Fighting for local health services and to end the GP & Dentist shortage.
Our NHS is on life-support! There is no issue closer to the hearts of local residents than our NHS. But years of Conservative underinvestment, record waiting lists and GP and dentist shortages have left people in the Chichester area deeply concerned for the future.
People are waiting weeks for a simple GP referral, ambulances can take hours to arrive, mental health appointments and routine operations have been delayed for months - and now we have record waiting lists that will take years to clear.
Our local paramedics, nurses and doctors are leaving the profession every week, due to the unrelenting pressure; made worse by the Government’s refusal to pay a decent wage to these highly trained and dedicated medical staff.
As your MP, you’ll see me fight for my community, not for those in Westminster. You’ll see me fighting for our local NHS, not for my political career. Like you - I want the NHS to be the best it can be, for everyone in our local community and for our amazing nurses and doctors.